How long is an appointment?
Appointments vary between 20 minutes and 40 minutes depending on whether new patient, follow up or paediatric patient, and which consultant you see
Exact times will be discussed at the time of booking
How much does an appointment cost?
Appointments vary between 20 minutes and 40 minutes depending on whether new patient, follow up or paediatric patient, and which consultant you see
The charge for a consultation is dependent on the consultant, whether new patient or follow up, and whether you have health insurance cover.
The charge for a consultation is dependent on the consultant, whether new patient or follow up, and whether you have health insurance cover.
Professor Axford’s charges are £350 for Initial and follow up consultations.
Dr Vijay Hajela charges £280 for an initial consultation (30 mins) and £200 for a follow up consultation. (20 mins)
Appointments and Enquiries can be made by telephone,
fax and email to our central office or by contacting the
hospital directly.
The London Rheumatology Clinic
- Tel: 020 8605 2870 or 020 8404 3937
- Email: administration@londonrheumatology.co.uk or
- secretary@londonrheumatology.co.uk